Where to Place Immediate Implant in this Lower Molar?

A 50-year-old man had occasional discomfort of the tooth #19 3 year ago (Fig.1).  With restoration of #30 implant, the symptom disappears until now (Fig.2).  He had had pain immediately before the crown of the tooth #19 was dislodged with fracture of build up.  There is enlarged periapical radiolucency of the mesial root (*) with possible root fracture (arrowheads).  After discussion, the patient agrees to have extraction and immediate implant.

Where to place the immediate implant, septum (Fig.3), mesial or distal (Fig.4) socket?  What is rationale?

Return to Lower Molar Immediate Implant, Professionals, Dr. Wu

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 03/25/2015, last revision 04/15/2015