List of Instruments to Bring for Internal Sinus Lift

  1. Loops and light
  2. Camera
  3. Handpieces: 16:1, 20:1, 400:1
  4. Tatum drill box, Bicon instrument cassettes x 2, tap box
  5. Implant spacers, positioners, thin surgical curette
  6. Offset, straight osteotomes, D1,2 osteotomes
  7. D, T, Bicon implants, Sinus lift abutments according to cases
  8. Sinus lift curettes in case
  9. Temporary abutments DIO (2 each), healing abutments (8,9 mm)
  10. Barium sulfate powder
  11. Serrated bone curettes (Lucas 85,86, 87,88)
  12. Masks, Oximeter

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 02/08/2013, last revision 02/24/2014