RPD Redesign
Please redo upper RPD, because it does not seat well in the mouth. It appears that the clasps at #15 deform (Fig.4).
Also simplify design. For example, in a demonstration model, there is mesiopalatal prep in the crown at #14 (Fig.1 arrow). The lingual clasp is short, stopping the distal end of the prep (Fig.2 arrow). There is no buccal clasp.
In our previous model, there is a similar prep at #3 (Fig.3 arrow). The lingual clasp is somewhat long (Fig4 arrow). When redoing the case, please shorten the lingual clasp and do not fabricate the buccal one.
When impression was retaken, the occlusal rest seats at #13 and 15 were widened. The guiding planes are re-made more parallel to each other. Attached are two new models and bite registration.
Wu, F, 71 y/o
Upper RPD design
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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 05/04/2017, last revision 05/03/2017