What to do next? (Part II)
A 13-year-old boy has severe crowding (Fig.1-5). Four of the first bicuspids were extracted on 02/17/2014. Full mouth brackets or bands (except #18) were placed on 03/27/2014. Alignment improved 2 months later (Fig.11, 05/24/2014). The upper 18 ss wire was modified (Fig.12), and fixed with alastiks (Fig.13,14). One month later (07/01/2014), local alignment also improved (Fig.15); the upper modification is confined to one tooth.
Four and a half months post bracketing (Fig.21-25), what do you find and what should be done next?
How can it be done, since there is not enough space, both mesiodistally and coronogingivally? Look at Fig.25. The bracket seems to be too prematurely placed on #31. It looks that the bracket was placed too coronally, probably due to incomplete erupting at the time of bracketing. Please open Fig.21-25 for questions before turning to Part III.
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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 08/14/2014, last revision 08/15/2014