What to do next? (Part II)

A 13-year-old boy has severe crowding (Fig.1-5).  Four of the first bicuspids were extracted on 02/17/2014.  Full mouth brackets or bands (except #18) were placed on 03/27/2014.  Alignment improved 2 months later (Fig.11, 05/24/2014).  The upper 18 ss wire was modified (Fig.12), and fixed with alastiks (Fig.13,14).  One month later (07/01/2014), local alignment also improved (Fig.15); the upper modification is confined to one tooth.

Four and a half months post bracketing (Fig.21-25), what do you find and what should be done next?

Jenny's answer: We should put band or bracket on #18.

How can it be done, since there is not enough space, both mesiodistally and coronogingivally?  Look at Fig.25.  The bracket seems to be too prematurely placed on #31.  It looks that the bracket was placed too coronally, probably due to incomplete erupting at the time of bracketing.  Please open Fig.21-25 for questions before turning to Part III.

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 08/14/2014, last revision 08/15/2014