Recession Canine I
A 15-year-old man requests orthodontic treatment and agrees with extraction. It appears that the maxilla is more protrusive than the mandible (Fig.1-4, 6,8). The lower right canine has severe gingival recession (Fig.6,7,10). Can we extract U4s and LR3 or 2 instead, considering relatively normal alignment in LL (Fig.8, occlusal view)?
In fact, extraction of LR3 is easier than the other three, because of its labial socket (Fig.10 * (loss of the labial plate), as compared to Fig.9). Nevertheless, the root of LR3 is the longest (Fig.11).
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Ortho Cases
Younger Brother
Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 02/04/2018, last revision 03/19/2020