Narrow Mesiodistal Space

A 37-year-old woman needs an implant at #10 because of crown recementation twice (Fig.1).   The smallest 2-piece implant, 3.8 mm, appears to be larger than the root.  The implant may perforate the buccal apical concavity (Fig.2 arrowheads).  Measure the extracted root.  If it is wider than 3.8 mm mesiodistally, place the 2-piece implant.  Otherwise use a 3 mm 1-piece one.  Do not forget the angled one.  Retrospectively, the 3.8 mm implant is large for the site.  A 3.0 or 2.5 mm one is more appropriate (Fig.2).

Return to Upper Incisor Immediate Implant, IBS, Clindamycin, #8,19, 30,31, 4

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 07/27/2017, last revision 11/01/2020