Fig.6 shows 4.5 mm tap in place with stability. It appears too high.  When it is removed, the sinus membrane is found to have been perforated.  The next taps (5,6 and 7 mm) are placed shorter by 3 mm with stability.  A piece of collagen dressing and a small amount of bone graft (Fig.7 *) are inserted to the osteotomy before placement of a 7x14 mm implant.  Arrowheads: the remaining mesial socket.

Twenty-one months postop, the patient returns for #15 RCT.  PAs show that although there is a narrow space in the original mesial socket (Fig.9 *), the 1st thread space is partially obliterated with the bone (<).  In contrast, the distal 1st thread space is completely obliterated (Fig.10 >).  After the RCT, impression is taken for #14 and 15.

Immediate Provisional for Upper 1st Molar Last Next

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 12/15/2014, last revision 08/15/2021