Sinus Lift

LJ will return for #2 implant placement 2 months post #31 implant placement.  Fig.1 was taken 2 years ago.  The tooth #2 had been supraerupted.  The bone height is apparently 7.5 mm (blue line), but with proper manipulation, there would be 14 mm bone available (green line) for placement of an immediate implant.  Fig.2 was taken a year post extraction.  The bone height is reduced to 6 mm (blue line).  With sinus lift, a 8 mm bone-level implant will be placed. 

If the ridge is wide, use 4 mm tissue punch and 3 mm implant spacer (4/2+3=5mm) for access.  Otherwise, an incision is made.  Use a 2 mm pilot drill and 4 mm implant spacer to initiate osteotomy for 1-2 mm deep.  Then use a 3 or 4 mm trephine for less than 6 mm deep.  RT 2,3 or Bicon Osteotome (3.5 mm) will be used to lift the sinus floor.  Prepare Metronidazole, allograft and Osteogen.

Return to Upper Molar Immediate Implant 19

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 12/02/2015, last revision 11/21/2018