Treatment Options for Upper Left Quadrant

While the 64-year-old woman is undecided on the lower right quadrant treatment, she has had periodic pain and swelling in the upper left quadrant (Fig.1).  CBCT sagittal sections show periapical radiolucency at #13 and bone loss distal to #15 palatal root (Fig.2,7).  Endodontic treatment is the 1st option to save the long bridge (#9-15, Fig.1). 

More thorough option is to section between #11 and 12, remove #13 and 15 retainers and determine salvageability of #13 and 15 abutments.  Place implants between #12 and 15 if necessary (Fig.3-6 coronal sections; B: buccal).

Return to Upper Molar Immediate Implant, Prevent Molar Periimplantitis (Protocols, Table), IBS, Antibiotic

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 05/27/2017, last revision 05/27/2017