CT Design for Upper Left Quadrant
Alginate impression will most likely dislodge #11-15 loose FPD. Start osteotomy at #11 and 15 first (Fig.6, 10) and use the teeth #9 and 10 as trajectory reference. Prepare PRF (Fig.10 white curved line) and Magic Lifter for #15.
Then use Magic Split (flapless) and Magic Expanders for #13, since bone density is between 150-800 (Fig.8).
The bone width at #9 is narrow (Fig.3, as compared to Fig.2 for #8). Prepare SM (straight) and Tatum (angled) 1-piece implants. Try to place a 2-piece implant at #10 if possible (Fig.5, compare to Fig.4) so that FPDs and crowns can be converted to hybrid denture in the future.
In case primary stability is questionable for example at #15 (Fig.10), consider placing implants at #12 and/or 14 (Fig.7,9).
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Upper Arch Immediate Implant,
Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 02/18/2017, last revision 03/02/2019