Post Socket Preservation

A 64-year-old woman requests implant placement at #29 and 30.  There appears to be bone graft at the site of #29 (Fig.1).  The ridge at these sites is moderately atrophic.  The diameters of the implants will be determined by using Implant Positioners.  Use Magic Split if needed.  To avoid the Inferior Alveolar Nerve and Mental Nerve (Fig.2 red dashed line), initial depths at #29 and 30 are 10 and 12 mm.

The ridge appears to be not so narrow (Fig.3).  The opposing teeth (#3-5) are slightly supraerupted (Fig.4).

Return to Lower Molar, Premolar Immediate Implant, IBS

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 02/12/2017, last revision 02/17/2019