Wide Ridge of Retained Primary Molar
A 39-year-old woman has periodic mobility and pain of the lower right 2nd primary molar. It appears that the mesiodistal width of the tooth has decreased in the last 7 years (Fig.1,2). After extraction and Clindamycin/10 drops of 1:1000 Epinephrine gauze for 3 times, use LR plastic quadrant tray and PVS to take impression of the socket for education purpose. Try using Magic Expanders, but Magic Drills will be most likely used to finalize the osteotomy, since the bone density does not seem to be low. The initial depth will be 11 mm for IBS implant (Fig.3).
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Premolar Immediate Implant,
Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 03/04/2017, last revision 02/27/2018