Two of 2 mm 1-Piece Implants in a Wide Mesiodistal Space

Two of 2.0x10 mm 1-piece implants are to be placed in the 9.5 mm mesiodistal space (Fig.3).  Due to curvature of the Mental Nerve (Fig.3 brown), the clearance of the two implant placed mesio(M)distal(D)ly from the Mental Nerve is more, ~2 mm (Fig.4,5, as compared to 1 mm in Fig.2).  Mastication force seems to be evenly distributed.  It is safer to place the 2 mm implants in the narrow ridge than the 2.5 mm one.  If necessary, the abutments can be splinted with composite (pink outline).

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 02/01/2017, last revision 06/02/2018