When a 5x11 mm IBS implant is being placed, the depth is tightly controlled (Fig.7).  The implant is apical to the lingual crest, whereas there is ~ 2 mm implant exposure buccally clinically.  That is, there is a large gap mesiobuccally, which is filled with .5-1.5 mm allograft (Fig.9 *).  A 6.5x5.7(3) mm abutment (A) is placed.

There is a new pattern of bony trabeculae around the implant 4.5 months postop (Fig.14).  Bone density increases 1 year 4 months post cementation (Fig.15).

Depth Control Fig.6, 8, 10, 13, Last Next 1st Year, Course 1 2 GEM21S Cases Expect to Form Lamina Dura

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 03/03/2017, last revision 03/31/2020