Class V Furcation Involvement
A 45-year-old man had Class I or II furcation involvement at the tooth #30 ten years ago (Fig.1, Classifications of Furcation Involvement - Stedman's Online). He returns recently requesting composite to seal Class IV furcation involvement (Fig.2). It appears that the tooth is unsalvageable (Fig.3 (no Antibiotic)). Since it is difficult to differentiate the upper (yellow dashed line) vs. the lower (brown line) borders of the Inferior Alveolar Canal, the initial depth will be 8 mm. Take panoramic X-ray if necessary. Because of severe bone loss, an abutment with 6 mm cuff is to be used (Pink area).
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Molar Immediate Implant, Prevent
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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 03/05/2017, last revision 06/11/2017