After increase in osteotomy depth for 1-2 mm with MD 4.3 mm, the 5.5x9 mm implant barely obtains stability (~ 10 Ncm, Fig.7).  Healing screw is placed.  Osteogen plug is inserted in the distal portion of the socket; autogenous bone around the implant and Collagen plug to close the socket opening.  Last suture and periodontal dressing are applied.

In fact the distal coronal threads of the implant are exposed due to socket morphology (Fig.2 yellow dashed line).  Bone graft should be securely placed immediately distal to the implant to prevent periimplantitis.

Secure Landmark for Osteotomy   Last   Next, 1st Year

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 03/20/2017, last revision 02/26/2021