Immediate Implant and Immediate Provisional to Prevent Localized Malformation

Long-termed edentulism is associated with not only bone loss, but also shifting of the neighboring teeth and supraeruption of the opposing ones.   Correction of the last two localized malocclusions is painstaking (1, 2).  Immediate implant is critical.  In fact shifting and supraeruption may occur during osteointegration (in term of a few months, 3 4).  Therefore immediate provisional is necessary even in the posterior region, at least maintaining the mesiodistal space.  In addition, an immediate posterior provisional is required to close the large socket to prevent loss of bone graft.  To save the graft, an implant as large as possible should be placed.  A final abutment is preferably placed immediately so that the gingiva will adapt to it nicely during osteointegration.  Didactic lecturing and hand-on course will be provided.

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 05/07/2017, last revision 05/07/2017