Since the distal crest is low at #19 after extraction (Fig.3), a 4.5x11 mm FC implant (Fig.4 green) will be immediately placed in the mesial socket (lingual), which has more clearance from the Inferior Alveolar Canal (yellow).  Sticky bone will be initially up to the implant plateau, followed by insertion of a cemented abutment (pink), placement of the 2nd round of bone graft (red) and fabrication of an immediate provisional (white).  To save time, a piece of collagen plug is inserted into the apical portion of the distal socket (blue).  The distal crest will be expected to increase ~ 3 mm by the procedure mentioned above.

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 08/29/2020, last revision 10/03/2020