Smaller Implants for Thicker Surrounding Bone
A 46-year-old woman has a failed FPD 18-20 (Fig.1). To have thicker buccal bone, the 5 mm implants at #18 (Fig.2) and 19 (Fig.3) seem to be a little large. Smaller (4.5 mm) will be more appropriate so that the coronal threads of the implant at #18 will be more securely covered by the regenerating bone. In the same manner, the implant to be placed in the healed site of #19 will have more buccal bone when the diameter of the implant reduces.
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Molar Immediate Implant,
Prevent Molar Periimplantitis (Protocols,
Trajectory II,
Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition
07/01/2019, last revision