
A 58-year-old man fractures the tooth #9 equigingival (Fig.1) and fiber post (Fig.2,3 *).  The marginal gingiva is erythematous and edematous (Fig.1 *), suggesting biologic width violation.  Redo crown would aggravate the issue.  In addition, the mesiobuccal root of the tooth #14 has vertical fracture (Fig.4,5), evidence of heavy mastication.  In fact the tooth #13 was also fractured apparently due to heavy occlusion before extraction.  It is the best to extract the tooth #9 for implant (Fig.6), or tissue-level (3.5x14 or 17 mm).

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 03/07/2019, last revision 01/09/2020