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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 08/30/2015, last revision 06/03/2018

Lateral Sinus Graft with Bone-Level Implants

A 45-year-old man has lost #14 and 15 for a while.  The sinus floor is 2-3 mm (Fig.1 (CBCT sagittal section), 2,3 (coronal sections)).  The sinus membrane will be lifted by lateral window approach (Fig.2,3).  With Metronidazole (prevent postop sinus infection) and 2% Xylocaine 1:50,000 gauze inserted underneath the sinus floor, osteotomy is initiated from the crest using UF cassette drills.  Two of 5-6.5x8 mm implants will be placed, followed by immediate cemented abutments.  Pack bone graft before and after implantation.  Prepare both a syringe of Osteogen and allograft.  The splinted immediate provisional will strengthen primary stability of the implants (Fig.4).  The distal root caries of #13 (Fig.1 *) has been fixed as well as root canal therapy (Fig.5).