Ridge Split (II): Does It Work?

The phobic patient returns 5 weeks after the first surgery.  Fig.1, 2 are taken in the first surgery.  Fig.2 is used to show that the curved chisel (C) used for the 2nd surgery is wider than the superior bone cut.  It appears that the buccal plate does not move when the chisel is applied. 

Sequential osteotomy does not seem to change the position of the buccal plate (Fig.3 (after 2 mm pilot drill), Fig.4 (4.1x12 mm drill). 

Since the bone feels not dense during osteotomy mentioned earlier, a 4.5x12 mm submerged implant is placed without further osteotomy (Fig.5).  It looks like that the buccal plate moves distally (arrow, as compared to arrowheads in Fig.4).  There is a bony defect mesially (*), where bone graft is placed later.

The patient returns less than 2 months postop.  The bone sectioned areas are blurring (healing) (Fig.6).  The soft tissue is healthy around the healing abutment (Fig.7).

Return to Professionals, Lower Molar Immediate Implant Guide-Assisted 1-Staged Ridge Split

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 12/04/2014, last revision 08/24/2019