Spacer for Socket Preservation

A 53-year-old woman wants to extract the tooth #3 with recurrent apical periodontitis (Fig.1).  Socket preservation is conducted (Fig.2).  The tooth is terminal in the arch and difficult to keep periodontal or acrylic dressing in place.  To overcome the situation, a prefabricated space maintenance is placed without cementation because of its inherent fitness (Fig.3).  Periodontal dressing (Fig.4 D) appears to be retained in place.  The spacer is lost prematurely due to no cement, but the wound appears to be healing 13 days postop (Fig.5,6).  The socket heals 3 months postop (Fig.7,8).  However the ridge is narrow 19 months postop (Fig.9, as compared to that of the tooth #14 (Fig.10)).

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 04/10/2019, last revision 11/27/2020